Wagin Woolorama Horses in Action (Section H) - 08/03/2025
Rider Check-In Results
Select Class:
-- select --
H00-Ring 1 - Leadline/First Ridden
H01-Best Presented Pony/Horse/Rider Combination
H02-Rider Classes
H03-Pleasure Pony/Hack
H04-District Pony/Hack (must reside within 100km of Wagin)
H05-Lightweight Pony/Hack
H06-Medium/Heavyweight Pony/Hack
H07-Child/Youth Hack
H08-Novice Pony/Hack
H08A-Ring 2 - 10-13yrs
H09-Best Presented Pony/Horse/Rider Combination
H10-Rider Class
H11-Pleasure Pony/Hack
H12-District Pony/Hack (must reside within 100km of Wagin)
H13-Lightweight Pony/Hack
H14-Medium/Heavyweight Pony/Hack
H15-Child/Youth Hack
H16-Novice Pony/Hack
H16A-Ring 2 - 14-17yrs
H17-Best Presented Pony/Horse/Rider Combination
H18-Rider Class
H19-Pleasure Pony/Hack
H20-District Pony/Hack (must reside within 100km of Wagin)
H21-Lightweight Pony/Hack
H22-Medium/Heavyweight Pony/Hack
H23-Child/Youth Hack
H24-Novice Pony/Hack
H24A-Ring 3 - Adult 19-39 yrs
H25-Best Presented Pony/Horse/Rider Combination
H26-Rider Classes
H27-Pleasure Pony/Hack
H28-District Pony/Hack (must reside within 100km of Wagin)
H29-Lightweight Pony/Hack
H30-Medium/Heavyweight Pony/Hack
H31-Lady/Gents Hack
H32-Novice Pony/Hack
H32A-Ring 3 - Veteran over 40yrs
H33-Best Presented Pony/Horse/Rider Combination
H34-Rider Class
H35-Pleasure Pony/Hack
H36-District Pony/Hack (must reside within 100km of Wagin)
H37-Lightweight Pony/Hack
H38-Medium/Heavyweight Pony/Hack
H39-Lady/Gents Hack
H40-Novice Pony/Hack
H40A-Halter Classes
H41-Best Presented Pony/Handler under 14hh
H42-Best Presented Horse/Handler over 14hh
H43-District Pony/Handler (within 100km of Wagin)
H44-District Horse/Handler (within 100km of Wagin)
H45-Best Handler up to 12yrs
H46-Best Handler 13-17yrs
H47-Best Handler 18yrs & above
H48-Best Mare up to 14hh
H49-Best Mare over 14hh
H50-Best Gelding up to 14hh
H51-Best Gelding over 14hh
H56-Fancy Dress up to 14hh
H57-Fancy Dress over 14hh
H57A-Show Jumping
H58-AM7 45cm - under 17yrs
H59-AM7 45cm - over 17yrs
H60-AM7 60cm - under 17yrs
H61-AM7 60cm - over 17yrs
H62-AM7 75cm - under 17yrs
H63-AM7 75cm - over 17yrs
H64-AM7 90cm - under 17yrs
H65-AM7 90cm - over 17yrs
H66-Optimum Time 45cm - under 17yrs
H67-Optimum Time 45cm - over 17yrs
H68-Optimum Time 60cm - under 17yrs
H69-Optimum Time 60cm - over 17yrs
H70-Optimum Time 75cm - under 17yrs
H71-Optimum Time 75cm - over 17yrs
H72-Optimum Time 90cm - under 17yrs
H73-Optimum Time 90cm - over 17yrs