VK Equestrian Presents Their Inaugural Virtual Dressage Challenge - 30/03/2025
Dressage / Style
Type something in the input field to search the table for class number, class name:
A05-20m x 40m VK Equestrian Preliminary 1A
1 Riders
A06-20m x 60m VK Equestrian Preliminary 1A
1 Riders
A07-20m x 40m VK Equestrian Preliminary 1B
1 Riders
A08-20m x 60m VK Equestrian Preliminary 1B
1 Riders
M09-20m x 60m VK Equestrian Novice 2A
2 Riders
M10-20m x 60m VK Equestrian Novice 2B
2 Riders
RS06-20m x 60m Restricted Senior Age 19-64 VK Equestrian Walk/Trot Test B
1 Riders
Y02-20m x 60m VK Equestrian Walk/Trot Walk/Trot A
1 Riders