
Member Registration

Member Details

Residential Address

Mailing Address


Other information

Are you a Certificate Examiner *
If Yes at What Level
Do you coach at Pony Club? *
If Yes at What Level
Ethnicity - Choose from the following options *

Annual Fees

Annual Fees as are follows:-

Adult member/volunteer = $20

1st Riding member = $190

Additional Riding Members $135

Our fees consist of a portion going to District and Head Office.  The rest of the fee covers the instruction for the year.

Pukekawa Pony Club is run by volunteers (parents).  Please don't be shy about asking how you can help.


Email address is already assigned to a member,
please use an alternative email address.

You appear to be an existing member.
Do you want to renew your membership?

Aged pension membership is for members over 65 years.
Please choose another membership type or correct your date of birth.