Home > Venue Introduction

Venue Introduction

Welcome to NCHA 2024 Futurity bookings

This Stabling, Camping and Parking booking system is powered by Nominate. Nominate provides the booking system and processes the payments for your event. If you have a problem with your booking within this system, please contact Nominate.

Here you can book:

  • Stabling


Nominate also provides:

  • Online entries for events
  • Online club memberships


Please note there will be 4.4% deducted from any refunds if the event is cancelled.
The Stabling, Camping and Parking system used at NCHA is powered by Nominate and therefore your credit card statement will show a charge from: NOMINATE PTY LTD MILBONG.

Click the Next button below to continue.

Cattle Tick Biosecurity Compliance: as AELEC does not meet low risk requirements, all horses from the Queensland tick infested zone must be treated by QLD DPI or a veterinarian within 48 hours of attending AELEC.

Please note: Bookings will open online at 7pm Monday 30th April for bookings
